Every individual has a unique quantity and quality of each Dosha and underlying elements. It is important to maintain their original state of balance as it is how the body stays healthy.
Our Ayurveda Body Therapists are trained to find where any imbalances may exist for you and create a customized rejuvenation therapy treatment to bring balance back to the doshas. Your Ayurveda service will begin with a consultation along with two or more of the following timeless Ayurveda rituals:
- Foot soak
- Tingsha bells
- Sensory experience
- Tumeric gargle
- Pranayama (breath)
- Meditation
Shirodhara (shiro-dar-a)
Warm herbal oil is poured in a continuous stream over the forehead and scalp to revitalize the mind and provide an elevated state of relaxation. A full body oleation (abhyanga) is followed by a shirodhara marma head and scalp treatment to allow the body’s natural healing mechanisms to release neuro-hormones from the nervous system.
This treatment is designed for individualsz looking to experience an ultimate level of relaxation, improve memory
or insomnia.
Abhyanga (ahbee-yong-gah)
Two Handed Abhyanga | FOUR HANDED ABHYANGA
This luxurious full body oleation (herbal oil therapy) is an excellent remedy to everyday stress. Warm oil accompanies gentle, swift strokes that balance energetic centers in the body and soothe the nervous system. This treatment is designed for individuals looking for stress relief and gentle detoxification.
Being that Abhyanga is the foundation to multiple Ayurvedic practices, a modified level of this experience is incorporated into Shirodara, Marma, Swedana and Udwarthana services.
Two-Handed Abhyanga (one therapist)
Four-Handed (two therapists work in unison for the ultimate experience)
Marma Body Therapy
Marma therapy is an ancient Indian practice whose focus is the manipulation of subtle energy (prana) in the body for the purposes of supporting the healing process. An abhyanga treatment is followed by marma therapy with warm herbal oils to clear stress from muscles, soft tissues, face, and vital points of the body where physical and mental discomfort and disease can build. This treatment is designed for individuals looking for stress relief, anti-aging and relief from nervous system ailments.
Udwarthana (ohh-vwart-hana)
This invigorating skin polish treatment both nourishes and purifies the body. A full body exfoliation with warm herbal powders in combination with oleation encourages a deeper detoxification to leave you glowing and feeling lighter. This treatment is designed for individuals looking for stress relief, detoxification, cellulite and skin toning.
Swedena (sway-da-na)
A full body Abhyanga treatment will begin the detoxification and rejuvenation process. Your relaxation will continue through an herbal steam bath as moist heat will “soften” toxins in the body and release from the skin. This treatment is designed for individuals looking for stress relief, detoxification and weight loss support.
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“Proper breathing is the key to good health.”